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Volan Aerialite 6 oz x 38″ al emetro lineare.

38" corrispondono a 97 cm circa di larghezza


Trattamento per realizzare tavole da surf vintage!


Aerialite 6oz Volan 38'' m/l – 1m lineare

€ 13,20Prezzo
IVA inclusa |
  • Volan Aerialite 6 oz x 38″  Treatment for surfboards as they used to be! We only used two treatments (finishes) in the old days – silane or this partly chrome volan. Chromium treatments were dangerous and have been banned, but Volan carries on somehow. Give a great retro green finish (the chrome refraction) to mals and retro boards, and is tough and bullet proof. (well, nearly). Give the board a patch to make it look really authentic. The original weight cloth was also known as boat cloth –  it was always used for boats building back then This is a lighter version than the original 10 oz.

    This is a light weight Volan – try the 10 oz for a traditional laminate. Its weight (6 oz) means it can be trimmed or free-lapped like usual cloths, but the trim enhances the retro look and pin-lining is usually required for best effect.

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